The smarter way to buy your next investment property

With Getaway’s co-investment, you can start building long-term wealth through real estate without the traditional 20% to 30% down payment

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Learn more about Getaway from our team

What is Getaway?
How does the process work end-to-end?
Can I choose any property?
What type of properties are eligible?
What is the min and max purchase price?
Can I make renovations to the property?
Who manages the property?
What are the fees that I should be expecting?
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Fully responsive design means your website will look stunning everywhere.

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Fully responsive design means your website will look stunning everywhere.

All your questions answered

What is Getaway?
How do I get started?
How does the process work end-to-end?
What are the benefits of working with Getaway?
Can I choose any property?
Does Getaway put a lien on the property?
What type of properties are eligible?
Do you work with multi-family properties?
Do you work with short-term rentals?
Which markets do you work with?
What is the min and max purchase price?
Can I invest with my LLC?
Can I use my own real estate agent for the deal?
Is there a prepayment penalty if pay early?
Can I make renovations to the property?
What does the pre-qualification application entail?
Is the pre-qualification a hard inquiry?
Who is eligible?
Are there income requirements for investors?
Do you consider credit history when evaluating eligibility?
Can individuals with limited real estate experience apply?
How long is the loan?
What are your rates?
Is there an option to extend the loan term if needed?
Are there any prepayment penalties?
Will my credit be impacted?
What counts towards proof of liquidity?
Who manages the property?
What are the fees that I should be expecting?
When can I sell the property?
Is there guaranteed rent every month?
Are there credit and income requirements?

Get started today

With Getaway’s platform, intelligently find your next cash-flowing deal with AI and finance it on your terms.

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